
Recent Recipes

I'm Back!


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So I've been very slack with my postings haven't I?
I've had some lovely messages from people saying they visit often for new recipes and I've been letting them down by not posting! Sorry!!

Well currently in my oven is a batch of cupcakes to celebrate my blog turning 1 year old! I'll post them up when the actually birthday is.

I recently spent a week in Perth and LOVED it! I'd love to move over there one day, or to near by Fremantle.

Some of the treats I enjoyed on my travels:

Frozen Snow - Lychee flavour. A block of frozen lychee juice shaved into a cup. The texture was all flakey and looked a bit like fairy floss. Perfect refreshment for a hot summer day.

Free canapes! Our hotel served free canapes and drinks between 6pm-7:30pm. We went EVERY night. You get sick of them towards the end but our waiter was always so much fun.

One of my favorite food chains, Croissant Express. They have croissants, sausage rolls, fresh sandwiches and the most amazing bagels! Why don't we have these in Melbourne I'll never know!

More yummy treats to come!


Welcome back Shellie! I would give anything for that lychee ice right now. Look forward to reading more and Happy 1st Birthday! :)

All images and text is property of Iron Chef Shellie. These reviews are based on my opinions and experiences.
Permission must be granted before using any images or text from this website.

Feel free to contact me:
ironchefshellie [at] gmail [dot] com