
Recent Recipes

Weird Food of the Month: Hamburger In A Can


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I think I will start a monthly post that revolves around the concept, weird foods.

Last month we saw that you can get a whole cooked chicken in a can. A lot of you were completely grossed out by the idea of it, and likened it to something an alien would give birth to. I'm glad I was not the only one who came to that conclusion.

This month, I'm a little ashamed to be half Swiss because the Swiss have put a hamburger in a can!

"A Swiss company has created this easy eating solution. It's an all-beef patty, lettuce, tomato and cheese on a sesame seed bun - sold in a can that retails for about 5 bucks and can stay fresh for up to a year!"

Stays fresh for up to a year? The picture might look pretty good but I doubt it is going to look that good when it's been in a can for 1 day, let alone a year!

I'm going to have to pass on this one too, I like my hamburgers made fresh to order, not sitting on a shelf waiting to be eaten.
To read a review of what it tastes like with pictures, click here.

Do you know of more foods that should not be in a can? Let me know and I can feature them on here!


I think it looks much better than the chicken in a can which just looked abominable! However I don't know why you'd need one in a can. They're so easy to make or buy! lol

Hi Lorraine,
I couldn't agree more with you. Soooooo bad!

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