
Recent Recipes

Weird Food of the Month: Bread in a Can


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This month's weird food is yet another food that should not belong in a can..... bread.
There is nothing better than a fresh loaf of bread. Especially the light fluffy centre and crispy crust. Nothing compares to a fresh slice or a fresh roll does it?

.... think again!

What would make you want to eat this? Sure the picture on the can doesn't look too bad, I mean I wouldn't even mind trying it based on the picture on the can. But it wasn't until I saw this picture that made me change my mind..

Kinda just looks like cake, but I'm not too sure. I wouldn't mind giving this one a taste, but one of the results was: "Is this more prison food?"
There was quite alot of good feedback, including "Once it's heated up, though, it's not bad at all. More like a really bland muffin than bread."

Would you try this one??


Mmmm there's nothing quite like a club sandwich made with 3 slices of freshly opened can-bread, chunks of gelatinous can-chicken, a few slices of tasty can-bacon (100% US bacon of course) and perhaps some tinned tomatoes. If only you could get lettuce and fried eggs in cans!

Oh Conor! That is hilarious!! I couldn't think of anything worse! I'm sure I could find canned lettuce and eggs, just give me time :P

Bread that tastes like muffin and cake? It is indeed.... weird! :p

It looks like dog food once out of the can!! Gross!

PS - I sense a theme going on with your 'weird food of the month' - they all come in cans!

Hi Ellie,
hmmmm it would be interesting wouldn't it!

Hi Alana,
hahah dog food indeed!
I'm going to try and not do a food in a can next month! stay tuned!

omg that is some weird looking bread! did they bake it in the can or something?!? how on earth did it get the can rings around the edges!?!

Hi K,
I have NOOOOO idea!! It's all a mystery! would you toast it? =/

Have you never seen a recipe for baking a quick bread in a can? I haven't done it, but I've seen the recipes: http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474977061042

It's nice for camping - which is how I originally heard about it (back when I actually camped :-)

Hi Kelly,
That's pretty interesting! When camping, anything goes! :P

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