
Recent Recipes

Beef Sausage Rolls


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It's mid-week cooking time again!
I figured I better start using some of the meat mum left me in the freezer whilst they are off seeing the world. My latest time wasting exercise at work has been trawling through the taste website and finding inspiration.
After sampling my friend's mum sausage rolls that were truly the best I've ever had..ever; I thought it was time I had a go myself!

This was such a simple recipe to prepare. I defrosted double the quantity of meat so I decided to make two batches and freeze the batch we didn't eat for a night when I can't be bothered cooking.... oh I'm looking forward to that night!!

You can add anything else to the filling you want (eg: celery, zucchini, spring onions). For me I just added sesame seeds to the top to give it that "home made" look. Very tasty and would excellent as finger food at a self catering party.

Probably not the most convential dinner but we enjoyed our stack of sausage rolls!

Taken from www.taste.com.au

300g beef mince

1 small brown onion, finely chopped
1 carrot, peeled, grated
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tablespoon flat-leaf parsley leaves, chopped
1/2 teaspoon dried mixed herbs
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 sheets frozen puff pastry, partially thawed
1 tablespoon milk
tomato sauce, to serve

1. Preheat oven to 220°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

2. Combine mince, onion, carrot, egg, parsley, dried herbs and pepper in a large bowl. Mix until well combined. Cut pastry sheets in half

3. Shape one-quarter of the mince mixture into a sausage and place along 1 long edge of pastry. Roll up pastry to enclose mince mixture. Cut roll into 4. Place, seam side down, on prepared tray. Repeat with remaining mince mixture and pastry

4. Brush sausage roll tops with milk. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden and puffed. Allow to cool on tray for 5 minutes. Serve hot with tomato sauce.

This is how my boyfriend 'Iron Chef Rob' decided to sauce and cool his sausage rolls.
Too pretty for me not to take a picture!

Eh Voila! Bon Appétit!


Mmm these look great. How do they compare to your friend's mum's recipe? I agree sesame seeds look great on top but I also love the taste as well!

Mum friend's mum's recipe was a little bit better I'd have to admit. But these were awesome cos I made them myself! haha

Send me down some cupcakes and I'll send you some sausage rolls! =P

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ironchefshellie [at] gmail [dot] com