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Eating Out: More Brunetti Adventures (part 2)


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It's the ultimate dessert destination, it's where I go to get my calorie fix. It has the best Italian coffee, and it's always is hard to find a seat to enjoy your treats.
The original and the best Brunetti is in Carlton, however there are other stores in Camberwell and Melbourne CBD.

I've been a few more times since the original post, and after seeing fellow bloggers Where's The Beef do multiple postings on Brunetti's, I decided I'd do the same. So check them out if you want more food porn to drool over.

This was a chocolate mousse with a layer of mint mousse at the bottom. So delicious and sweet, this chocoholic couldn't actually finish it. I wish I took the rest home to eat at another time, oh well! There is always next time!!

Yet another chocolate mousse, this time with dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate layers with a small sponge cake at the bottom. So light and fluffy, definitely one of my favorites.

Chocolate mousse again (are you sensing a theme here?) in a chocolate shell with crushed hazelnuts. So delicious, although quite a lot of chocolate, I would recommend a glass of water after this one!

More Brunetti stories can be found here.


I don't blame you for ordering all those variations on the mousse! It's been one of my most-enjoyed desserts there too. :-)

Cindy: Glad I'm not the only one who enjoys chocolate mousse! I didn't realize I ate only chocolate mousse till I did this post *blush*

I've always heard of Brunetti's but never actually been as they don't have one in Sydney. It looks delish! However it is making me crave chocolate mousse at a time where I should be eating breakfast hehe

Lorraine: next time you are in Melbourne be sure to go to the Brunetti's in Carlton. It's the original and the best, no other stores compare!! x

All images and text is property of Iron Chef Shellie. These reviews are based on my opinions and experiences.
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ironchefshellie [at] gmail [dot] com