
Recent Recipes

Lamb Patties with Beetroot & Tzatziki


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I finally made it back into the kitchen for mid-week cooking again, last week I went out with good friends for some good food and good wine.... always a nice combination if you ask me!

So this is the recipe I actually wanted to make last week from a Woman's Weekly cookbook. I don't normally cook from this book as my Donna Hay library has been getting a workout, but I thought I'd mix it up a little.

These were so simple to make and tasted "delish".
Due to ACP taking legal action on fellow bloggers, especially one of my favorites, Not Quite Nigella, I shall not be posting the recipe in case I get a letter in the mail.

What I can tell you is, the lamb patties are a little bit more special with that addition of lemon rind, and a little bit more healthier with grated carrot.
Served on Turkish bread on a bed of cos lettuce, topped with beetroot and Tzatziki, this is a simple dinner or even lunch that everyone can enjoy.

We ate ours like burgers and it was a very messy but delicious experience.

This recipe can be found in the Woman's Weekly Complete Book of Modern Classics.

Voila! Bon Appétit!


Yes ACP don't seem to understand that you trying their recipes promotes their cookbooks so save yourself from getting a nasty letter in the mail!

I love beetroot on burgers though, I often ask for more. The addition of lemon zest is interesting too. Your pic looks great!

What a yummy combination! Looks absolutely delicious.

Lorraine E - Yes, I totally agree with you!! I love beetroot on burgers too, something about it that bring everything together!

Jo - Oh it was a delicious combination! I wouldn't mind eating one right now... even though i've just had breakfast :P

Shellie: AGREED with lorraine. Sheesh already, enjoy the promo:).

This is a GREAT reminder, I need to use more beets!

miss iron chef shellie you haven't been blogging very much while i've been away?!

well now i'm back you can get your apron back on! hehe i need some vietnamese pho recipes and pad thai and well any other yummy asia recipes you think i would like. =P having said that i don't think anything will live up to the real deal.

All images and text is property of Iron Chef Shellie. These reviews are based on my opinions and experiences.
Permission must be granted before using any images or text from this website.

Feel free to contact me:
ironchefshellie [at] gmail [dot] com