
Recent Recipes

Fruit Kebabs


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With Melbourne having an extreme heat wave I was prohibited from baking and heating up the house. With 3 consecutive days over 40 degrees, I was a bit of a sloth trying to stay cool.

Saturday night, a bunch of friends and myself went into the city for the 'Moonlight Cinema'. I'd usually bake something for dessert but opted for this much healthier and cooler option. Fruit kebabs! Much easier than a fruit platter and far less messier for those eating it.

Not only do they look good, they taste good (providing you have bought fresh, sweet produce). You can put just about anything on them. I opted for: watermelon, kiwi, mango, strawberry, rock melon and pineapple. You can serve with a chocolate sauce or a honey yogurt.

All you need is bamboo skewers and fruit. A great lunchbox idea for kids of all ages.


What a great idea!

Sorry about the heat and fires there.

Hi TikiPundit - Yeah the fires are really bad here unfortunately. I'm going to give blood to help all the victims. x

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ironchefshellie [at] gmail [dot] com