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Ah McCain... you've done it again!


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It's a slogan that's been going on for yonks, and still rings true.
I was offered to sample the new sweet potato chips from McCain. Since I have a love for sweet potato chips, this seemed like a delicious offer.

The chips come in two varieties; crinkle cut and thin cut.
I took the crinkle cut variety over to my parent's house to share with them and my cousins. I figured crinkle cut is more fun and got everyone to help me sample.

Hamsley thought they tasted a bit like pumpkin; and since he and pumpkin aren't the greatest of friends he didn't pile the chips onto his plate like he would have with potato chips. The rest of us rather enjoyed them, although I will agree to a slight pumpkin taste initially, but after a few chips, it tastes more like sweet potato.
They take only 20 minutes in the oven, but due to oven tray shortage, I put two bags of chips on the one oven tray, and it took more time in the oven for them to crisp up nicely.

Then we tried the thin cut a couple of days later. We had been sent some tomato chutney, tzatiki and aioli as suggested condiments to try with the chips. I cracked open the aioli, and Hamsley was like a totally different person compared to the previous chip experience. The aioli was a fantastic accompaniment to the chips and we both couldn't stop gobbling them up. He didn't comment at all of a pumpkin taste and we almost had to fight for the last chips in the bowl!

The new McCain Sweet Potato SuperFries available in Thin Cut and Crinkle Cut varieties are available in your supermarket freezer, RRP $3.89 for 450g. 


i thought they tasted a bit like pumpkin as well. i couldn't really get them that crispy though but i'm still a big fan of the potato chip :-)

mmm sweet potato! I havent tried these yet... but possibly in the future. Even if they taste like pumpkin, thats OK with me, I love pumpkin too!

I'm going to have to try these sweet potato chips. I usually find it hard to crisp this chips in the oven properly anyway. I'll give these a go.

My housemate and I wanted to try these the other day, and were DENIED! Coles was sold out. While we were still trying to find them, another two people wandered into the freezer section to get some and we all discovered the empty shelf at the same time.

We ended up buying some actual sweet potatoes and making a delicious mash with pesto though, so it ended quite well.

Hi Simon Food Favorites - Glad we weren't the only ones!

Hi I'm A Sugar Junkie - hehe I love pumpkin too!

Hi My Restaurants Melbourne - You might just have to leave them in the oven for a touch longer =)

Hi Conor - OH NO!! Glad you still had a happy ending =)

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