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I've Moved! Come With Me!

Comments (5) | Thursday, August 26, 2010

Iron Chef Shellie has a new home.
Please update your RSS feeds and subscriptions to the new website:  

I'm still tweaking a few things, but it's so damn gorgeous I can't keep it to myself!

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Olive Oil Chocolate Mousse

Comments (3) | Thursday, August 26, 2010

Psssst!! Just thought you should all know, Penny from Jeroxie Addictive and Consuming, is giving away 8 bottles of Cobram Estate's new Manzanillo Extra Virgin Olive Oil. You should go over there and enter right away!

I was lucky enough to score a bottle from her shipment and she asked me to try out a recipe with it. I tried George's olive oil chocolate mousse.

Olive Oil Chocolate Mousse

200g Lindt 70% dark chocolate, chopped
200ml pouring cream, whipped
1/2 cup Cobram Estate Manzanillo Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 cup frozen mixed berries, thawed

Melt chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, making sure the water doesn't touch the bowl). Set aside to cool slightly.
Combine the melted chocolate and cream in a bowl, slowly pour in olive oil, continuing to whisk until thick. Spoon into serving glasses and refrigerate for 10 minutes or until ready to serve.
Serve mousse, topped with berries.

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Eating Out: Groove Train Richmond

Comments (13) | Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This post was sponsored by Nuffnang

It was a Saturday, Hamsley and I were feeling sleep deprived from not enough sleep, yet needed to fill our day doing something productive. We decided it was finally time we went to Ikea to get our bookshelves. I wanted to try a place in Balwyn for breakfast, but once plotting it out on googlemaps, I realised I really couldn't be assed driving so much out of the way for breakfast. So we headed for Bridge Rd, Richmond, which was far more on the way to Ikea.

We walked a little and I was getting grumpy due to lack of sleep and hunger so we walked into Groove Train. I had had good experiences at another Groove Train, so I thought this place would be a winner. There were plenty of other diners in the restaurant which is often a good sign too!

Eggs Benedict $11.90

Hamsley went for the old breakfast favourite, but was rather disappointed with the hollandaise sauce that covered his eggs. It was more of a yellow flavourless cream with no tang at all. It's lemon juice and vinegar that gives a good hollandaise a nice sour tang, but this chef either left them out, or used them very sparingly.

Scrambled Eggs with Toast, Bacon and Hollandaise Sauce $10.90

So I bet you are asking…"why didn't she get eggs benedict, instead of ordering this?"…. I like my eggs scrambled okay? I'll admit. I haven't tried them any other way, but it's the way my mum made them for me, and I'm sticking with it for now. Turns out I got more in my serve than Hamsley did with his eggs benedict, and it was cheaper! But much to my disappointment, the hollandaise was pretty much a yellow cream.

Chai Latte $4.50

The chai came out when I was about half way through eating my eggs. I would have preferred to have started it before eating, as most places I've been to always bring out your drink first.
With hopes of having a nice spicy chai to go with breakfast, I was extremely disappointed to have what seemed just a warm cup of milk with a side of honey. The chai flavour was so weak, I added the whole tub of honey just to add flavour. But then my milk just tasted of honey. I didn't even finish it. It must have been the first mug of chai I've never finished.

I have been to Groove Train at Doncaster for dinner on two occasions and found the food to be fantastic. However, breakfast at the Richmond location seemed to be very lacklustre.

Groove Train on Urbanspoon


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ironchefshellie [at] gmail [dot] com