The plan was, Miss A and I would have a girls day; brunch and maybe spot of shopping. We thought brunch up at one of our favorite cafes in the hills... but after much thought, we realised we needed to go shopping to get birthday presents and spend vouchers. Sick of hitting up Chadstone, we decided we would shop at Doncaster; but where to have brunch? Then I remembered Moka Pot! I had such a great experience there last time, and I knew Miss A would like it.
I ended up going with the french toast anyway, and man was it a good choice! I even ate the walnuts as they went so perfectly with the bananas, toast and honey yoghurt.
Miss A did indeed order the pancakes, however they came without the little jug of maple syrup this time. The topping was a bit different, mine had fresh strawberries, whilst either the winter menu or new menu had blueberry sauce. Miss A tried them without maple syrup and said she would prefer to have some. I think they needed a sweet hit, so I flagged down a waiter and he brought some over right away.
New macaron flavours are available too! I wanted the salted caramel but they were all out *sad face*. I did walk away with 2 bubblegum macarons and they were so colourful and yum!
Service and food is still great at Moka Pot. I'll be back to try the rest of the menu soon!

sick of chadstone? i miss chaddy!
though, doncaster is so nice..
your french toasts and pancakes are giving me gluten envy.