
Recent Recipes

Did you know... I'm qualified in Thai cooking?


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Well not really, I have done a class in Phuket, and I have a certificate to prove it!

I did my course at Pum's Thai Restaurant & Cooking School.
I learnt Thai cooking from an Irish guy called Damiaan (yes, he spells his name with two a's). At the end of the lesson we were lucky enough to meet the master behind it all, Pum! She even signed my new cookbook =)

I have ordered her new cook book, so hopefully that shall arrive in the mail this week!

Going to be trying my skills with Pad Thai this week!

Pum's Cooking School & Restaurant - Patong Beach, Phuket

everything is prepared for you

cooking up a storm with Damiaan

you get to sample everyone's food...mmmmm



All images and text is property of Iron Chef Shellie. These reviews are based on my opinions and experiences.
Permission must be granted before using any images or text from this website.

Feel free to contact me:
ironchefshellie [at] gmail [dot] com