
Recent Recipes

Apple & Cinnamon Madeleines


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I found this recipe on one of my favourite food blogs Milk & Cookies.
The author's pictures always make my mouth water and I knew as soon as I saw these I had to make them and try them for myself. I love anything with apple; apple cake, apple crumble, even apple shampoo (obviously I don't eat the shampoo, that would be kind of weird!).

The only problem was that the recipe called for 'Light Muscovado Sugar'. I had never heard of it, and couldn't find it in any of my local supermarkets. So I asked around on forums where I could buy some. Someone suggested a website that I could order from but I didn't really want to pay for shipping for just 1 bag of sugar.

So on my travels to Doncaster Shopping town I walked into a fancy looking deli and they were selling it! So I snapped it up in an instant.
It's sort of like a brown sugar, firmly packed with a nice flavour.

For the recipe click here to visit Milk & Cookies.

Eh Voila! Bon Appétit!


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ironchefshellie [at] gmail [dot] com