
Recent Recipes

Wedding Yummies


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So I know I haven't been posting as much as usual. There are a few factors:
- No material due to lack of social life
- No baking due to being too busy / lazy
- Recently contracting man flu, thus feeling like I've been dying

So, I thought I'd blog about the goodie bag I received at my boss' wedding over the weekend.

The bride was gorgeous, in a white strapless number, and the groom was suave in a black suit.
It was a beautiful church service, with a very punctional bride. The bride was infact 30 minutes early, and had to circle the block to waste time!

At the end of the lovely ceremony, each guest received a goodie bag on the way out, when congratulating the lovely couple and their family. It was a total surprise, most welcome though, as most of us were hungry!

Two types of sponge cake; one coffee flavour, the other pandan flavour.
An apple juice prima, and a sweet bread roll with ham and other stuff I couldn't put my finger on. It's an Asian thing, so some of the Aussie guests might not have enjoyed it as much.

Congratulations again to Victor & Venny!


what an awesome idea, to give out food after the ceremony, that way everyone has enough energy to make it the rest of the day. Pandan flavor....where?....I would scoff yours mine and the strangers standing next to me! lol

Thats so cute and thoughtful :-) The cakes look yum too. Its like a little lunch bag. :-D

I think thats a pretty good idea. Especially after a long ceremony. All you really want is a drive and a bite to eat.

cake & the bread is from:

Carrington Cake Shop
33 Carrington Rd, Box Hill, VIC 3128
p: 03 98999223

you just tell them what you want. the'll box it up for you & pickit up from the shop on the day in the morning.

thx mich for the photos

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