Recent Recipes
Cookies and Cream Cheesecake
Comments (9) | Thursday, July 31, 2008
As promised, the recipe for the crowd favourite, cookies and cream cheesecake.
I'm yet to serve this to a person that didn't like it!Cookies and Cream Cheesecake
Australian Woman's Weekly
Preparation time 20 minutes (plus refrigeration time)
cooking time 5 minutes
serves 12
250g plain chocolate biscuits
150g butter, melted
2 teaspoons gelatine
1/4 cup (60ml) water
1.5 cups (360g) packaged cream cheese, softened
300ml thickened cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup (110g) caster sugar
180g white eating chocolate, melted
150g cream-filled chocolate biscuits (Oreos), quartered
50g dark eating chocolate, melted
1. Line base of 23cm springform tin with bakin paper.
2. Blend or process plain chocolate biscuits until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add butter; process until just combined. Using hand, press biscuit mixture evenly over base and 3cm up side of prepared tin, cover; refrigerate for 20 minutes.
3. Sprinkle gelatine over the water in a small heatproof jug; stand jug in small saucepan of simmering water. Stir until gelatine dissolves; cool 5 minutes.
4. Beat cheese, cream, extract and sugar in medium bowl with electric mixer until smooth. Stir in gelatine mixture and white chocolate; fold in quartered biscuits.
Pour cheesecake mixture over biscuit mixture in tin, cover; refrigerate about 3 hours or until set. Drizzle with dark chocolate to serve.
TIP: Place the dark chocolate in a small plastic bag with the corner snipped off to help you drizzle the chocolate evenly over the cheesecake.
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Chilli Cashew Chicken Noodles
Comments (2) | Thursday, July 31, 2008
It's mid-week cooking time again!
I've given up telling my mum what I'm going to be cooking as she seems to dismiss some recipes I really want to try, this being one of them. I knew she would have taken one look at it and said "Nah, pick something else"...sorry mum, I know you read this blog!
Luckily she rather liked this recipe when she tasted it!
Although following Donna Hay's recipe we ended up with way too much chicken, and I only put in half the required chilli, and it was spicy enough! I also used more noodles than it stated, as a result there wasn't enough sauce to cover them all so it was a little dry. BUT it still tasted good and I would make it again! I also only used half the onion required as I felt 2 onions would have been overkill!
Alas, Donna Hay has helped me create a flavour sensation!Chilli Cashew Chicken Noodles
Donna Hay
200g (7oz) dried thick noodles
2 tablespoons peanut oil
2 onions, sliced into wedges
4 large red chillies, seeded and chopped
1/4 cup sugar
4 chicken breast fillets, sliced
1 red capsicum (bell pepper), sliced
3/4 cup roasted unsalted, cashews
2 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup coriander (cilantro) leaves
1. Place the noodles in a saucepan if boiling water and cook for 3 minutes or until tender. Drain.
2. Heat a wok or deep frying pan over high heat. Add the oil, onions, chillies and sugar and cook for 2 minutes. Remove from the pan and set aside.
3. Add the chicken and cook, stirring, for 4 minutes or until the chicken is golden.
4. Add the capsicum, cashews, fish sauce, soy, lemon juice, onion mixture and noodles to the pan. Cook, stirring, for a further 4 mintues or until heated through. Sprinkle with coriander.
5. Serve with chilli sauce on the side if desired.
Serves 4.
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Party For My Old Man
Comments (3) | Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, a day of rest for most people.... but for a change we had 33 people in our tiny house to help celebrate Dad's retirement / birthday.
Mum had been preparing food all week from an amazing curry, to satay, everything was home made! I was in charge of desserts so I woke up early on Saturday to bake, and bake and bake! Luckily I prepared my cheesecake and lemon slice on Friday night so I could spend some time with my best friend on Saturday. Which reminds me, if you get a chance to see a movie called "The Bank Job" you will enjoy yourself thoroughly!!
Back to the party! There were waaaaaay too many dishes for me to photograph. Let's start with an amazing entree, Singapore Pies = Pie tee.
The photo doesn't do it justice. I have eaten so many of these, and I could keep eating them, they are delicious! You need a special mould to make the shell. I'm going to have to get the recipe off mum so I can make them myself one day.
A variety of salads we served:
After everyone had filled up on noodles, curry, satay, meat, sausages and whatever else we were serving (I'm sorry I can't remember, I'm still recovering from washing all those dishes) it was time for dessert!

My dad loves antique clocks, so some clock inspired cupcakes were on the menu. I'm not that happy with how they turned out, but everyone seemed to be impressed, especially when I whipped them out my of cupcake courier!

Finally the biggest crowd favorite, the cookies and cream cheesecake. This cake is a hit every time I have served it, I have the Woman's Weekly to thank for this recipe. With a chocolate biscuit base, white chocolate through the cream cheese filling, chopped oreo biscuits, drizzled with dark chocolate, you can't go wrong!!
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Molten Chocolate Cakes
Comments (3) | Friday, July 25, 2008
After Dad's historic walk home from the city, I thought I would make him a special dessert to officially celebrate his efforts.
I was clearing up some lose recipes when I came across this one. I'm pretty sure it's a Donna Hay recipe from "Instant Entertaining" or "Instant Cooking". The picture of a cake with chocolate oozing out made me want to drool a little.I substituted the serving suggestion of raspberries with vanilla ice cream, and it was a good choice!
My mum was expecting something similar to the warm chocolate pots I made a while ago. This was a little more grainy due to the almond meal in it, and it is more of a cake than a pudding.
The chocolate centre just melts in your mouth, but they can get quite sweet towards the end. I'm a chocoholic and I couldn't eat two even if I wanted it! Molten Chocolate Cakes
Donna Hay
1/4 cup plain (all-purpose) flour, sifted
1/3 cup icing (confectioner's) sugar, sifted
3/4 cup almond meal (ground almonds)
2 eggs whites, beaten
80g (3 oz) butter, melted
160g (6 oz) dark chocolate, melted
4 x 10g (1/3 oz) squares dark chocolate
raspberries to serve
1. Preheat the oven o 150°C (300°F).
2. Place the flour, sugar, almond meal, egg whites, butter and chocolate in a bowl and mix well to combine.
3. Spoon half the mixture into 4 x 1/2 cup (4 fl oz) capacity lightly greased ovenproof dishes. Place the chocolate squares on top of the mixture and top with remaining mixture.
4. Bake for 20 minutes or until cooked but gooey in the middle. Stand in the dish for 5 minutes before turning out. Serve with the raspberries.
Serves 4.
"An impressive dessert that is easy and quick to make - that's exactly what the molten chocolate cakes are. The chocolate centre stays soft for around an hour after baking. The cakes can still be made ahead of time, simply put them in the microwave for a few seconds on medium-high or place them on serving plates in a 150°C (300°F) oven for a few minutes to soften the centres again.)
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This little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home
Comments (0) | Thursday, July 24, 2008
Disclaimer: This is not a food related post
I just wanted to give my Dad his own little post. He officially retired yesterday. Congrats Dad!
Being the crazy person that he is, he has been saying for sometime he was going to walk home from Collins St, Melbourne to our house in the outer suburbs. That's about 26km or so by car, so I'm not sure how long it will take him not going on freeways by foot!
I managed to get my hands on some GPS tracking devices, so hopefully they work and I can see if he cheated or not! I will post the map up tomorrow if it works!
25/7/08 Update:
He did it!! I'm not too sure how he is feeling today though, but he didn't get any blisters on his feet so that's an achievement as well!
Sorry the image quality is very poor, the black line represents his journey.
Date - 24 July 2008
Time - 8:31am -1:18pm
Total Time - 4 hr and 47 minutes
Total Distance - 25.52km
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Mince & Ricotta Pie
Comments (0) | Thursday, July 24, 2008
It's mid-week cooking time again. Let me firstly apologize for the photography, I know it's not good and I know it doesn't look very appetizing, but I assure you, it tasted good!
This recipe was taken from an old Donna Hay magazine. I will soon have the full collection as I've found some people who have the issues I'm missing.
It looks like a Sheppard's Pie but I find the ricotta better than potato as it's not as heavy, and I don't hear the "carbs are bad" voice in my head!
So here we are with mince and ricotta pie. I did have to adjust it as it was tasting very bland when I tasted the mince. I added some tomato paste and tomato sauce and it came out a bit more like a bolognaise sauce. Accompanied by a light salad, it was a lovely winter meal.
Original Recipe: Mince & Ricotta Pie
Donna Hay Magazine - Issue 28
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 brown onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 carrot, peeled and chopped
1 celery stalk, chopped
750g beef mince
400g can chopped tomatoes
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
sea salt and cracked black pepper
2 cups fresh ricotta cheese
2 eggs
1 tablespoon chopped oregano leaves
1/3 cup grated mozzarella cheese
1. Preaheat the oven to 220 degrees C. Heat a large, non-stick fry pan over high heat. Add the oil, onion and garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add the carrot and celery and cook for 3-4 minutes. Add the mince, breaking up any lumps with a wooden spoon and cook for 8-10 minutes or until the mince is browned.2. Add the tomatoes, worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper and simmer for 15 minutes or until the mixture is thickened.
3. Spoon the mixture into a 4 cup capacity ovenproof dish.
4. Place the ricotta, eggs, oregano and mozzarella in a bowl and stir to combine. Top the pie filling with the ricotta mixture and bake for 15-20 minutes or until the cheese is golden.
Serves 4.
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Eating Out: Cafe Capo
Comments (0) | Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Firstly I shall apologize that there are no pictures to accompany this post as I forgot my camera!
It was my dad's birthday last night, so we thought we would try the newest restaurant in the area, Cafe Capo.
Situated in the "five star" hotel The Golden Pebble, Cafe Capo took over the failing Chinese restaurant that takes up a majority of this hotel. As a result, the dining room is massive and it would seem that the kitchen was almost the same size with half of it not being used.
The chairs and tables are fairly nice as they are still new. There were about 20 odd people in the dining room on a Tuesday night with what would seem only 4 staff working: 1 guy at the bar who probably never made a drink in his life, 1 guy taking drinks orders and fluffing around in general, 1 hard working waitress, & 1 chef.
We are seated, we wait for quite some time before our orders are taken. About 10 minutes later I can see our drinks on the bar, but because the barman has no idea what he is doing he asks a lady at the bar if those drinks are hers, she doesn't know so she picks them up and takes them over to her friends and asks them if the drinks are theirs. After some time she puts them back on the bar and says they are not hers. About 5 minutes after that those very same drinks are brought to our table.
Garlic bread comes out along with 2 pizzas we have ordered. The pizzas are not too bad, about the standard you would get at a family restaurant. My mother's risotto comes out shortly after. There is enough in her bowl to feed a small village, and it has the texture of porridge. Risotto is meant to have a little bit of crunch, but the chef had cooked the grains to death.
The waitress has to physically go into the kitchen to collect the dishes as there is not hot plate on the counter. With the vast distance she has to walk, it's not wonder she looks overworked.
The whole fiasco with the drinks left a sour taste in my mouth and I will not be returning.
They have been open long enough for all these problems to have been sorted out, I do not think they will last long in this location either.
If you want to try it for yourself:
Cafe Capo
500 Boronia Road
Wantirna VIC 3152
Phone: (03) 9887 3753
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Tagged! Now You’re It!
Comments (2) | Monday, July 21, 2008
So, Not Quite Nigella tagged me way back in February but I forgot about it up until now! Oops, my bad?
Here are the few rules involved in tagging:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post and list their names, linking to them.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
So here we go, 5 facts about me:
1. I’m half Swiss and half Malaysian, which makes for a good mix of Swiss chocolates and yummy Malaysian noodles and sweets.
2. I’m a chocoholic, but I’m not a big fan of white chocolate. I believe there are no white cocoa beans, so white chocolate isn’t really a chocolate.
3. My favorite TV shows are: Top Gear, So You Think You Can Dance, Seinfeld, Futurama, That 70s Show, Spics & Specs, The Gruen Transfer, GNW & The Simpsons.
4. I’m dying to travel to: Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, South Africa, Japan and New York.
5. I’m still hang out with my best friends from school, I couldn’t live without them!
5 blogs that I’ve recently visited:
1. I Dream in Chocolate
2. Thermomixer
3. Hip Hop & Banana Bread
4. Milk & Cookies
5. Melbourne Gastronome
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Afternoon Delight!
Comments (2) | Sunday, July 20, 2008
This weekend I feel in love with Melbourne again. Walking around Sunday markets, little lane ways, finding Melbourne's little surprises. But going into the city always makes me so tired, so I was glad to come back home to suburbia again.
This cafe outside the Arts Centre serves THE BEST chai latte I've found so far.With cinnamon sugar, if this was close to my work, I would have one every day and probably be the size of small house! Very quick service, if I'm ever down that way I must get a chai!
After other travels around the city and lunch at Federation Square we stopped off at the Southbank Sunday market for a sticky nose.
If you are looking for Danish pancakes, this is where you get them, they smelt fantastic:The highlight of the day was picking up these cupcakes. There is a cupcake for each personality. I got the Choc-Raspberry, there was something saying "your laptop is your best friend", which is sadly true. Rob got the Chocky-Top.
These were undoubtedly THE BEST cupcakes I've ever had in my life! The cake was light but moist, and the frosting just melted in your mouth. It wasn't too buttery or overly sweet, I couldn't fault anything about them. No wonder we had to line up for a while to get these babies!
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Eating Out: Chocolate Buddha
Comments (0) | Sunday, July 20, 2008
Yet another cloudy, winter day in Melbourne. Usually I would have loved to stay at home in the warmth all day with Iron Chef Rob watching DVDs but the Melbourne Design Market at Federation Square was on. I had never been before, so I was interested to see what I could find, hopefully some nice stuff for a reasonable price. But noooooooo! It was all massively over priced, fine if you are the arty type, but I was not a rich arty type to purchase such goods.
Anyway, after wondering around the city for bit, lunch time creped up on us, so we found ourselves back at Federation Square in search of food.
At a restaurant called "Chocolate Buddha" I would not have expected Japanese food, but this place was, and business was booming. The staff were all very polite and willing to help.
A good variety of meat and vegetarian dishes, from noodles to wagyu beef.
We ordered gyoza, my latest obbession in life and some noodles. We had no idea what to expect from the noodles as we aren't really professionals at ordering Japanese food.
My noodles came out first, shortly followed by Rob's noodles and the gyoza.Gyu Ramen: chilli marinated organic beef slices, char-grilled & served with vegetable dumplings, swiss chard, bean sprouts, chilli sauce in ramen noodle soup.
Delicious, fresh noodles, nice broth, complete with all the trimmings.Tori Soboro Somen: minced organic chicken, flavoured with miso & chilli, garnished with coriander, red onions, spring onions & crispy sweet potato served on somen noodles with a touch of ramen stock.
This looked like Japanese spaghetti bolognaise. I wish I had ordered this as it looked so good! The sweet potato was a nice touch too, nice for a cold Melbourne day.

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First Attempt @ Pad Thai
Comments (2) | Sunday, July 20, 2008
This weekend Iron Chef David, Jason and Robert and I had a challenge: to try and make one of our favourite Thai dishes, Pad Thai.We headed down to Doncaster Shopping Town yet again for another tea at T2. We had about 4 different recipes to choose from, so we decided to go with the one that required the least about of hard to find ingredients. After a nice cuppa tea we went on the hunt for our ingredients. We weren't too sure how well we would go with no Asian grocers in the the area.
First stop was a massive deli / green grocer / butcher, yet we couldn't find any bean sprouts or noodles. The only thing we did find was tofu.
Second stop was the Coles next door which also did not have any bean sprouts!
So luckily there was a Safeway that had beansprouts and all the other weird ingredients we thought we would have trouble finding; for example - tamarind paste.
When we got back home, David and I turned into the wives and got busy in the kitchen, whilst the 'husbands' were busy fiddling with the TV.David began with liberating the tofu from it's tofu juice and chopping it up whilst I began on the sauce.
We ended up doubling the sauce quantity but it wasn't enough, so after the noodles had cooked we ended up making more. The sauce was pretty bland until we found some sweet chilli sauce in the pantry, which helped bring the dish to life.
As I plated up the noodles, David turned into a head chef and garnished the dishes before they were sent out of the kitchen. Our garnishes include: extra bean sprouts, ground peanuts (which we also had problems finding), coriander, spring onions and a wedge of lime.The dish wasn't too hard to cook, and it tasted pretty good for our first attempt at cooking Pad Thai. My compliments to the chefs!
Pad Thai (Vegetarian)
Recipe taken from:
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Apple & Cinnamon Madeleines
Comments (0) | Sunday, July 20, 2008
I found this recipe on one of my favourite food blogs Milk & Cookies.
The author's pictures always make my mouth water and I knew as soon as I saw these I had to make them and try them for myself. I love anything with apple; apple cake, apple crumble, even apple shampoo (obviously I don't eat the shampoo, that would be kind of weird!).The only problem was that the recipe called for 'Light Muscovado Sugar'. I had never heard of it, and couldn't find it in any of my local supermarkets. So I asked around on forums where I could buy some. Someone suggested a website that I could order from but I didn't really want to pay for shipping for just 1 bag of sugar.
So on my travels to Doncaster Shopping town I walked into a fancy looking deli and they were selling it! So I snapped it up in an instant.
It's sort of like a brown sugar, firmly packed with a nice flavour.
For the recipe click here to visit Milk & Cookies.
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Newest Purchase: Cupcake Courier
Comments (1) | Friday, July 18, 2008
Yet another week has gone by in the rollercoaster ride of life. No matter what happens, life just keeps going on weather we like it or not. Sometimes it would be nice to pause time for a bit and just be who we want to be for a moment with no one on our back.
Wow that's sounding a bit depressing isn't it. I just got a call from a very close friend. Her nanna got off the rollercoaster of life last night and is resting peacefully in heaven. It makes me think of when I lost my grandparents, and how much of an influence on my life they were. My grandfather was an amazing chef, he made bread, prociuotto and had a love of cask wine! If he were alive today I'd love to be able to have a wine with him and practice my French.
I've started to learn French by podcast. I started it awhile ago but didn't get past lesson one, now I'm a bit more dedicated. Hopefully the next time I go to France or Switzerland to visit my relatives I might be able to understand what they are talking about!
"Bonjour! Je m'appelle Iron Chef Shellie"
On a lighter night, I didn't do any mid-week cooking this week, instead I went and joined the geeks and watched Batman at IMAX. In a word.... "wow". Especially as they filmed some scenes just for IMAX, we were all totally blown away!

This weekend will involve some baking, cooking and a bit of shopping at the Melbourne Design Market. Hope you all have a good weekend!
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Comments (2) | Thursday, July 17, 2008
Bare with me folks, I'm trying to snazz up my webpage but I seem to have stuffed it up!!
Lost a few things but they will be back on soon!!
Thoughts, comments welcome!
Update 17/7:
After endless fluffing around I've gone back to the old layout! What a waste of a eyes hurt!
Stay tuned for cooking goodies on the weekend!
Update again! 18/7:
I got something to work!! hurray! My novice HTML skills have paid off! Hope you like the new format!
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Eating Out: Doncaster Shopping Town
Comments (5) | Sunday, July 13, 2008
Lazy Sundays. How I love a lazy Sunday. However you still have to eat, so Iron Chef Rob and I went out for brunch at Doncaster Shopping Town again.
We went to Dumpling King in the food court:Beef wrapped in a pancake. A bit like peking duck, a little too oily.
Pan-fried pork dumplings. Very bland! Not like the ones I get in Springvale. Would definitely not get these again.
The plates in the food court are very swish. I'd love to have a set just like it.
We also went to T2 Tea House again and had ice teas:They were rather bitter, not sweet enough. Might stick to the hot teas next time!
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Eating Out: Brunetti Carlton
Comments (0) | Sunday, July 13, 2008
Brunetti's is not just a cafe, it's an institution.
The original branch is just off Lygon Street, in Melbourne. It spans over 3 shop fronts with every possible cake, chocolate, pastry, gelati, dessert you can imagine. Instead of 1 coffee machine, there is about 4 with just as many if not more baristas taking care of all the coffee orders that never seem to stop coming in.The cakes line the shop front window, making anyone stop in their tracks and admire the fine work of the pastry chefs.
We were lucky to get a table, walking around for about 5 minutes we sat outside.
Coffees were ordered and we took turns to go and get our desserts.
Iron Chef Alana and her boy got tiramisu:I got a layered mousse: pistachio, strawberry and chocolate. It was so light and delicious, the perfect portion size.
Iron Chef Rob got some nibbles to take home:
If you are EVER in Melbourne I cannot recommend this place enough! Although be aware it's always busy. Even if you can't get a seat, get something to take away! You will not be disappointed.
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Eating Out: Copperwood
Comments (2) | Sunday, July 13, 2008
Saturday night after catching Kung Fu Panda at Imax with some of my nearest and dearest friends, we headed down to Melbourne's famous Lygon Street for a late dinner.
For those who aren't from Melbourne, Lygon Street is our version of Little Italy. Packed up and down with Italian restaurants, cafes and gelati shops. You may find the odd Thai, Nepalese or other cuisine between the vast amount of Italian shop keepers trying to get you into their restaurant.
I had only been down to Lygon Street once before, and once I was amongst it all perving on other people's food as I walked by, I wondered why I didn't come down to Lygon Street more often!
So the 4 of us headed down to find a bite to eat. We were going to eat at the place I had once been before, but there was a 15 minute wait so we decided to go and try somewhere else. Next door was a place that Iron Chef Alana had been to many times before, Copperwood. This place had been around before her parents had children, so it must be good if it's been around over 20 years.We were seated within minutes of walking in. The lighting was rather dim so I couldn't take any photos without setting off the flash every 5 seconds.
We sat down and decided on a wine and ordered. To be honest I found the service a little slow. Garlic bread took quite some time to bring out, and clearing of main meal plates happened in 2 phases over a course of about 10-15 minutes.
However the food was delicious! Although we did conclude that the main meal size and entree size was pretty much the same, just the rim of the plates was different.
When asked if we wanted cheese the waiter pretty much covered the whole plate with parmesan cheese. I wish I he hadn't put so much on, but my spaghetti pescatore was still delicious.
Gnocchi was home made, and all dishes looked very appetizing. The garlic bread was even spot on. However the lack of tiramisu for dessert left us going to another place for coffee and cake.

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Brownies with White Chocolate and Raspberries
Comments (10) | Saturday, July 12, 2008
Saturday is my favorite day of the weekend. You can sleep in and know that there is still one more sleep in till you have to face the music of being at work again. So what could possibly make my Saturday better? .... chocolate of course!
I tore this recipe out of a magazine a while ago and dug it out just recently. Since it had frozen raspberries and I had some left over from my raspberry mousse, I thought I would use the leftover raspberries and give this recipe a go. I also wanted to bake something to try out my new camera, so I hope you enjoy the photos.
My aunty traditionally makes her brownies with walnuts and sometimes cranberries so I thought this one with white chocolate chunks and raspberries might be a nice change.
They taste very nice when they are warm and straight out of the oven. I think if you served them with a scoop of ice-cream it would be a nice dessert at a dinner party.
I'll be keeping this recipe on file for future baking adventures.
185g dark chocolate, chopped
100g butter, cubed
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup caster sugar
1 cup plain flour
150g white chocolate, chopped
2 cups frozen raspberries
1. Preheat the oven to 200C or 180C fan. Grease and line base and sides of a 20cm square pan with baking paper.
2. Place dark chocolate and butter in a large heatproof bowl. Place over a pan of simmering water and stir until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in eggs and sugar. Fold through flour, then white chocolate and frozen raspberries.
3. Pour into prepared pan. Bake for 45 minutes, until sides shrink slightly from pan. Remove from oven and set aside to cool in pan before cutting into squares. Place in an air tight container.

The best brownies have a chewy texture after cooking, and they all taste great cold."
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Fettuccine with Bacon, Mustard & Broccoli
Comments (2) | Thursday, July 10, 2008
Mid-week cooking was back this week! My parents arrived safely back into the country on the weekend with mountains of Swiss chocolate for me to eat! I also got a new camera but I'm still working out all the kinks, so hopefully my photos on here will be a bit better soon.
So, yet again Donna Hay helped provide me with a delicious dish for mid-week cooking. From one of her old magazines this dish looked so yummy with the grainy mustard I was interested to try.
Fairly simple to make, the taste was a sensation. You could taste every single ingredient, the leek was a nice change to that of a simple onion. It wasn't too creamy or over powering. The only thing I'd warn people about is don't overcook your broccoli. There is nothing worse than soggy broccoli!
Fettuccine with Bacon, Mustard & Broccoli
400g fettuccine
300g broccoli, trimmed into florets
6 rashes bacon, sliced
1 leek, sliced
1 cup cream
1/2 cup sour cream
2 tablespoons grain mustard
1 tablespoon lemon thyme
parmesan cheese to serve
1. Cook the pasta in a large saucepan of salted boiling water until al dente. Drain and return to the saucepan to keep warm. While the pasta is cooking, blanch the broccoli in salted boiling water, then drain and set aside.
2. Heat a frying pan over high heat. Add bacon and leek and cook for 5 minutes or until golden. Add the cream, sour cream, mustard and lemon thyme and cook for 3 minutes.
3. Add the broccoli and cook for a further minute or until warmed through. Toss the sauce through the pasta and serve immediately sprinkled with parmesan cheese.
Serves 4.
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Eating Out: T2 Tea House
Comments (2) | Saturday, July 5, 2008
After over hearing in my local T2 shop that there was a tea house at the Doncaster Shopping Town shop, I wanted to be there in an instant. I just love my tea. I started my T2 collection a while ago, and I'm always in there sampling the free tea. So Iron Chef Rob and I decided to drive down the new Eastlink tollway to suss out this tea house.
It was such a nice atmosphere I did not want to leave. It was a nice little nook in a shopping mall, a nice place to get away from it all. I felt like I was back in Asia, if it had been smoky and had an old Chinese man smoking a pipe in the corner, I could probably believe that I was in Asia!
Check out all those tea pots and cups on the shelves behind the counter.Having a chai craving, we ordered the "Ultimate Chai", and my goodness, it was massive!
After polishing this off I no longer had a chai craving! It was full of flavour, froth and chai-goodness! I can't wait to come back and try all the other different teas.After finishing our teas, the waitress brought over this funky water bottle with Turkish tea cups, a nice way to wash everything down.
Some teas came with sand hourglass like timers to make sure the tea brewed for the correct amount of time. Really looking forward to coming back to try out more tea.
There is a decent selection of food and sweets, they even offer yum cha for 1.
*UPDATE 16/4/09 : The T2 Teahouse is no longer open.
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ironchefshellie [at] gmail [dot] com