
Recent Recipes

And the winners are...


Category :

Thanks to everyone who entered the Sydney giveaway!
I have just drawn the two lucky winners at random, and although I would have love to have given everyone who entered a ticket as I've gotten to know you via the power of the internet, if you didn't win, blame the "random picking out of a hat" gods. They were against you today.

So the two lucky winners going to the Organic Expo and Green Show are:

Congratulations guys! I will be in touch with you and Polka Dot PR to arrange your tickets!


sounds like a great event. congratulations to the winners! i look forward to hearing all about it :-)

Haha I *love* The Professor! Have you been watching the latest season of Futurama? It's awesome!

xox Sarah

Yippeee! Looking forward to it :)

Awesome! Thanks so much (and thanks to the random hat picking god too!). Looking forward to getting a brain dump of new knowledge about organic food!

Hi Simon - Yes, me too!

Hi Sarah - I have! Loving it, it's just as good as it used to be!

Hi Jen - Congrats again! =D

Hi Forager - Congrats again to you too! =D

All images and text is property of Iron Chef Shellie. These reviews are based on my opinions and experiences.
Permission must be granted before using any images or text from this website.

Feel free to contact me:
ironchefshellie [at] gmail [dot] com